All things new…

After a powerful prayer experience this afternoon, more of the rooms have been lit in my proverbial building. I find myself thinking differently, making decisions more accurately and insightfully, and compassion has become overbearing. With these new tools I’m sure my path will become a lot more interesting. Day one has come.

Prayer for 2010

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Zech. 4:10  The brush that starts a bond fire needs careful attention. This is where the ministry is now and unless these early stages are cared for, the embers will go out. During the holiday break I am praying for newContinue reading “Prayer for 2010”

In the apostolic gift set lies two strong qualities of seeing the vision and having the passion and fortitude to see the vision through. The time frame between seeing/hearing God’s vision and actually seeing it come to pass is the most difficult part. Tonight I’m filled with the celebration that comes from seeing God’s vision finallyContinue reading

Like Potatoes ~ Reflection

Typically I’m either Mary or Martha… you know what I mean I’m Jason, but typically I’m either sitting at Jesus feet intently or serving Jesus intently. There’s very few in between modes for me. Today I was sitting at the feet of the disciples, listening. I heard some crazy things. Things that blew my mind.Continue reading “Like Potatoes ~ Reflection”